I have been having a ton of fun playing on my Level 72 BC dugeon twink Priest, Elscol. She's done Sunwell more than all of my Level 85s combined. She's almost to revered already with the Ashtounge Deathsworn. She has almost as many hit points as the tanks she heals if not more than they have. All in all, she is a little badass and I love playing on her to death. This being said, it sometimes makes me sad that I level capped her and can't (well won't) finish leveling her to 85. Thus I want to make a new priest and level them all the way to 85.
A couple things make the possibility of a new priest a little silly if not hard to do. First off, I have ten characters on my server so I don't have any open slots for a new one. I don't really want to get rid of a character because I have one of each class and I think that's kinda cool. Except I don't play most of them. I think I really only seriously play the Paladin, Shaman and existing Priest at the moment. The Druid and Warlock also get a bit of love, just not as much. The hunter is up at 65 so I probably won't do anything with her and the Level 61 Death Knight is slated to become my farm-bot as soon as I get around to leveling her so that the Paladin can pick up a profession that's a little more beneficial than mining (I don't tank on Mirax so the extra stamina is useless.) My Rogue is my only Worgen and as the newest to the bunch she's not gonna get deleted. Plus if I ever go to level Mirax's Ravenholdt rep I'm gonna need a toon that can pick-pocket. Periodically I get curious about playing a Warrior and I'll admit Victory Rush and quest grinding go hand in hand. Plus Ayrl is supposed to be leveling with Mälik's Warrior, Grizz. This only leaves the Mage, who coincidentally is my only Horde character on this server. Mälik moved his Horde Druid, Moocat, to a different server where we all had rolled Horde alts. I broke up with my boyfriend and his unplayed Troll Rogue is the only character still left in the guild we have on the Horde side. But I don't just want to delete the Mage. I spent way too much gold on her giving in to my desire to know every single pattern that I can on each of my crafting toons. That and she has a ton of patterns in her bank and bags as well as some nice gear that I have no way of transferring to a different character. So I think I'm gonna follow Mälik and transfer her over to our Horde server.
That was the first issues with a new Priest.
The second issue is that I didn't always love playing Elscol. When I first rolled her she was a Dwarf named Escol, though still a Priest, and I had no issues playing her as long as I didn't have to kill things. Oh god, just leveling to 20 was painful. I first started playing her when my ex, his friend and I all decided to start toons together. They both rolled Gnomes and myself a Dwarf. The ex was a Warrior tank and the friend was a Warlock. We had a perfect little leveling party. But after we initially started them all we never played them again together. The friend eventually leveled his lock and the ex eventually deleted his warrior, and Escol was left sitting there gathering dust. I tried to level her several times, always to the same painful conclusion. Then, Mälik rolled a Paladin tank and suddenly I had a buddy to go run Gnomergan with. Except he made fun of how ugly Escol was and a quick trip to the Battle.net site later she was reborn as Elscol, the Human Priest, whose name was finally spelt right. Then the ex and his friend rolled Dwarf Shaman and Duel Spec was lowered to Level 30 and only 10 gold and Elscol now had a Shadow spec for dealing damage. However, this resurgence was short lived as Cataclysm was released and leveling the Paladin, Shaman and Druid from 80 to 85 became more of the priority. However, the mystique of the Priest remained as an alluring thought and once that was accomplished and Mirax was geared for raiding I picked up healing on Elscol again and the rest is history.
So yeah, I'm not sure I want to lose my only Mage on the server and I'm not sure I want to relive the pain of being a low-level Priest. Heck, I'm not even sure what race I would be. My guild needs a Gnome Priest for our Stay Classy achievement, but I can't stand being that low to the ground. I like the spirit bonus that humans get which as a raiding toon will be quite handy. However, I have a human priest already and I don't like having too many characters of the same race. Currently I have 3 Humans, 3 Draenei, 2 Night Elves, a Worgen and a Blood Elf. Also, being a girl I like my characters to look hot or at least pretty. So I have some things to think about. But in the mean time I think I'm going to transfer that Mage.
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